How to Take Stunning Images of the Night Sky with Your Digital SLR Camera that will
Amaze your Friends and Family
You can learn how right now in this Step by Step Guide to creating beautiful pictures
From Ninian Boyle and Jon Walton
Tuesday: 10:23 a.m.
Dear Fellow Astronomer
Have you ever wanted to take pictures of the night sky?
Perhaps you didn't know where to start, or what equipment you
would need, or perhaps you tried and got a fuzzy faint blob? ....
...well we can show what equipment you need and how you can produce images to be proud of, all in plain simple English.
So why should you want to image the night sky?
Taking pictures of these distant and faint objects is challenging, fascinating and rewarding and there is always
the chance of discovering something new that has never been recorded before!
And of course your camera can ‘see’ a lot more than the human eye so when you download your
images you will start to find things up there you would never have seen no matter how long you looked!
This is because your camera will build an image over a long period of time and each particle of light
that reaches your camera will add to the picture, while you eye works 'instantly' and does not
accumulate the information in the same way.
All you need to start is a simple
Reflex camera with
a tripod and you will be surprised at the results you can achieve.
Perhaps you don't have a digital SLR camera and don't know which one to buy, or you already have one and
want to know how to use it with your telescope?
Ninian Boyle and Jon Walton have produced a new simple to understand guide packed with pictures, diagrams
and internet links to explain how you can make a start in this fascinating and rewarding aspect of astronomy.
Ninian is an experienced amateur astronomer and the BBC ‘Sky at Night Magazine’s Equipment Expert.
He has been running night classes in astronomy for some years and is a lecturer at Planetariums, clubs
and societies. He is a member of the British Astronomical Association and a Fellow of the Royal
Astronomical Society and has written other ebooks and articles.
Jon is a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society and is an electronics engineer by day and an expert
astronomical imager by night! His work has been admired by many of the other top imagers around in the world.
Like you, we started imaging from scratch
We asked ourselves how do you use a digital SLR camera to take
great images of astronomical subjects.
We knew it could be done as we had seen the amazing pictures taken by other imagers. We invested a lot of money
in equipment, and lost a lot of sleep spending hours and hours finding the answers which we can now share with you.
So, with the valuable information that you can find in this new eBook, you too will be producing stunning images in
no time as you will avoid all the mistakes we made!
And the great advantage of an eBook is that you can download it immediately, you don't have to pay for postage and then wait
for it drop on your mat, and all the links in the book are clickable....
The book will take you through the process in easy to read chapters and is crammed full of information,
pictures and ‘live’ links to really useful web sites.
Between us we have written a definitive guide to getting you started with your Digital SLR Camera where you can find
- Which Cameras are best for astro imaging and why
- How to save money and frustration by acquiring the right equipment from the beginning
- Save yourself from neck ache - we'll show you a simple accessory that will save your neck!
- Practical information to enable you to make the most of your imaging time
- How to achieve perfect focus for those pin sharp pictures
- Tips and Tricks - we'll make sure you avoid the common mistakes most beginners make
- The best format to use to take your pictures to get the best results
- How to start processing your images with a guide to the software available
- Learn the techniques the professionals use to process their images to get stunning results
- How to ensure your computer is showing you true colour when you are processing your images
- How to store your images on your computer for easy access and to avoid confusion
Our wives said we should charge you at least £100 to compensate them for all those lonely nights!
However, we thought that £50 was a much fairer price, but then we thought we want as many people as possible to share in the enjoyment of this fantastic hobby.
So we've settled on £27.00 but this may have to go up if our wives get their way!
And that's not all....
3 Fantastic Bonuses
Super Value Bonus number 1:
Exclusive Privileged access to high resolution images taken by a hand picked selection of the world’s top DLSR imagers so you can see what can be done.
These people have NEVER BEFORE allowed free access to these images at this resolution and we had to beg and plead to get them for you!
And we are working on getting even more for you….
Super Value Bonus number 2:
A video showing you how to process an image of the moon to bring out the colour that is there. This colour is real but subtle and when enhanced in this way shows you the fascinating geology of our neighbour in space.
So when you produce your own picture of the Moon using these instructions, you will astound your friends and impress them with your new found abilities.
Super Value Bonus number 3:
A clear explanation of why you might want, and how, to change the filter over the sensor in your
camera to enhance the images that you take of distant nebulae.
All DSLR cameras (except for one) have this filter factory fitted.
You will learn how to change it to dramatically improve your pictures
And if that's not enough.... whenever we update the eBook we will tell you so you can download
the latest version - we ask you for feedback so please help out here as your comments will guide the
ongoing development of the eBook
An Excellent Book
I just wanted to say a big thanks to you for the DSLR book!!!!
It's an excellent book, very plain and simple to follow and has helped me no end!
I'm trying out loads of stuff with the pics and
I have now, found a new level of confidence with
photoshop since seeing your video and reading thro the ebook.
Andy Lee, Guildford. UK
We're not done yet....
We are so confident that you'll be so pleased and learn so much from your eBook that we are willing
to back it up with a 6 Month guarantee
Full 6 Months money back guarantee
That’s right, you have
6 months to read and evaluate the book
and if at the end of that time you can honestly tell us that you have not learnt anything useful we
will give you a prompt and courteous refund and close the book, no quibbles!
Start Reading Your Ebook Now!
In less than 5 minutes you can be finding out how to take fantastic pictures of the heavens with
your DSLR camera for only £27.00
Immediate delivery - You should get an almost instant email giving you the instructions and everything else you
need to know to get going straight away,
To be sure you get your email please add the address
ninian at (substitute the word 'at' for the symbol) to your contact or friends list - if you are unsure how to do this then
click here
Please note: The e-Book DSLR Astro-Imaging: A Beginner's Guide is presented on a password protected website
and you will get an email with all the details you need to access it
Wishing you Clear Skies
Ninian Boyle and Jon Walton