Or have you gone as far as getting yourself
a pair of binoculars or a telescope and then finding that it was not as easy as you thought?
Well, I’ll show you how to unlock the secrets of astronomy and the mysteries
of telescopes to get you started in the exciting adventure of exploring your universe
and with this newly learned knowledge you will become a confident and enthusiastic astronomer.
Using simple, practical and
time saving methods I will show you how you can quickly become experienced
and competent in using your telescope and in finding your way around the night
And you will easily absorb many insider tips and
techniques, knowledge that took me years to build up, that will help you
with everything from buying your first telescope to seeing some of those more
difficult but interesting objects out deep in space.
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Which telescope should I buy? |
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Can I use binoculars for astronomy? |
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Why are all the stars whizzing past? |
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How do I know what I'm looking at up there? |
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How do I read a star chart? |
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Which eyepiece should I use? |
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Will a filter help me see better? |
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How do I align my mount? |
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What are RA and DEC? |
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What can I expect to see with my telescope? |
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How can I take a photograph through my telescope? |
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Can I use my telescope to look at the sun? |
Then I can help you...
When I first
started out in astronomy I had to learn all these things the hard way! I've
spent hundreds of hours using telescopes and digging through libraries and
thousands of pounds in buying equipment to learn everything I am going to tell
you so you don't have to take all that time and spend all that money!
I became a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society
some years ago having been nominated by no less than Sir Patrick himself, and I
am a member of the British Astronomical Association and an active committee
member of my local Astronomical Society.
I have made appearances on the
BBC Sky at Night Television Programme with Sir Patrick, and help and advise with
equipment for the show. I am a regular contributing consultant to the BBC Sky at
Night Magazine as their equipment expert.
As time permits, I give
lectures on various aspects of astronomy and equipment to astronomers, both
beginners and more advanced, far and wide, regularly take part in a BBC Radio Solent and Southern
Counties Radio program,
and lecture to the public at 2 different Planetariums.
that I kept being asked the same questions over and over again, I started to run
a night class at my local Planetarium.
Now in its sixth year the course is still as popular as ever for local astronomers but obviously there are many disappointed people who live too far away, but still want to do the course.
So I decided to make it more widely available on the internet - and to stop my wife complaining about being a telescope widow!
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RA and DEC explained at last!Astronomy is a fascinating and complex subject. My wife and I decided to do the course before spending our hard earned cash on equipment.We learnt what we needed to know thank's to Ninan's 40 year's of experience, and excellent presentation. We even understand RA and DEC now thanks to the fantastic animation! We can thoroughly recommend the e-course
to all novice astronomers. |
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Well written and fascinatingGreat course, very informative for me as a beginner, with lots of practical information on choosing and using your telescope. I would recommend the course which is well written and fascinating! Cathy Robinson, Brighton. UK |
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Invaluable Advicethe course as a whole was tremendous i now understand that a telescope is not just two pieces of glass for looking through. the graphics are a vast improvement on the original course and your advice on the types of accessories is invaluable and will save a lot of people unnecessary spending. my only down side to the course is that i dont have any interest in the photography side of astronomy but i am sure that the content will be of use to a lot of people . keep up the good work
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Professional and accessible presentationI have studied the course over the last week or so and congratulate you on a very professional and accessible presentation.
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All the information accessible in one placeOverall- excellent. All the basics for beginners in observational astronomy are included and having all the information accessible in one place is particularly useful.
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Well Organised
The pictures and 'movies' where very clarifying. More of these in the next version of the course would be nice. The quizess a the end of the chapters were sometimes very funny! I did not like the fact that the course does not guarantee clear skies :-) Seriously, I enjoyed the course very much and will go over it again I'm sure. It'sa pity it gets dark so late in July. |
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Excellent Customer Care
First I would again like to thank both Ninian and Sue for your quick, patient and courteous responses to my several computer problems.
I will be referring back to this course frequently as I beging using my telescope more often.
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"My wife wants me to sell my telescope!". "But why?" I asked, "You only bought it from me last week".
"Well she says I am going to hurt my back moving it around all the time".
I was baffled because when this particular gentleman bought his telescope I had discussed with him where he would keep it and how far he would have to carry it to set it up - something I always check with my customers - and he was quite happy he could cope with it.
"Have you had to keep it somewhere else and carry it further?".
"No, it's moving it all the time to see a different star - after I've done that a few times during an evening it does get to be a strain and you never told me I would have to keep moving it around like that".
Suddenly I realised what he had been doing so I walked over to a similar telescope that I had on show and you should have seen the look on his face when I showed him how to release the clutches on both axes of the telescope mount -
"So you don't have to pick the whole thing up and move it -
just swivel the telescope round like this and then fix it where you want".
As one now happy customer went out of
the door the phone rang... "I just bought a telescope and I can't see anything
through it." After a long discussion it turned out that he had not removed the
dust cap from the end of the telescope!
When you are starting out, these
are quite easy and understandable mistakes to make, perhaps the same kind of
mistakes that you have made yourself, I know in the past that I have! I am often
asked other questions which involve lengthier answers such as "How do I
collimate my telescope?" and "What do the numbers mean that are written on the
A favourite one of course is "What is the magnification of this telescope?" and people always seem surprised when I tell them I don't know and then go on to explain that aperture is much more important in an astronomical telescope, so this is one instance where size really does matter!
Of course if
you want to be able to work out the magnification of your telescope I will tell
you how to do it quickly and easily, and explain why higher magnification is not
necessarily better!
Let me confess something...
remember one instance (long long ago, I hasten to add) when I attempted to polar
align a telescope mount. I spent ages lining it all up on the pole star and
getting it just so, and was completely confused as to why I couldn't find any of
the objects I then wanted to see.
On going back and checking my polar alignment
I realised that I had aligned it all on the wrong star and not the pole star at
all! By that time, I was frozen and it was so late that my planned evening of
observing was over! Since then I have learned how to do it accurately every
time, and so will you!
I want to help to stop you making these same basic and avoidable
errors and save you many, many hours of frustration and thousands of pounds on
the wrong equipment!
This comprehensive course clearly explains all you need to know to get you
started on your journey of discovery of the exciting hobby of astronomy.
Even Sir Patrick Moore wished he has this when he started out...
You will find it all in my online course
Basic Astronomy With a Telescope
where you will discover...
With this gold mine of information,
believe me, you will save yourself thousands of pounds. You won't buy the wrong
equipment to start with and you won't need to buy lots of books to explain how
it works!
On top of all this, you will save yourself hours and hours of time trawling the internet and reading books to try and understand the basic concepts.
And you can be sure that telescope dealers will only sell you the
telescope you need, and not the one they make the most money selling!
So, why didn't I just write a book? Because with the online e-course I
could pack in loads of pictures and animations and video to help clearly
explain some of the concepts that are just plain difficult to do in print.
You can watch Sir Patrick Moore wishing that he had
this course when he started out... |
Here's the best news of all: you can take advantage of an extraordinary offer.
This course was many months in the making. Because I love astronomy so much, it really wasn't a
hardship, but it was a huge time commitment.
I spoke to lots of beginners to find out what they needed to know and conducted online
surveys to discover what you were finding difficult.
I went back to my books and trawled the internet into the small hours, and drew heavily on all my years
of experience to gather together all the information you need into one place to provide you with a wealth
of information.
I wanted to be sure that you had all of the tips and tricks that took me years to discover.
Then, I fired up my computer and began to write and produce the videos, animations, diagrams and
pictures that make up the course as I want it to be a truly valuable guide for YOU, the budding astronomer.
And now you can have all this at a great price....
So, you now see why my family thinks I should be selling this resource for a very high price.
They know how much time, thought and effort went into it. And they know that people pay me
over £125 to teach all this at my nightclass.
However I persuaded them that because I don't have
to physically send you anything, I could let you have it at a much reduced price and we agreed on £99...
...but I get so excited, I can't wait to get you started in this wonderful and awe inspiring
hobby, and I wanted to get the course out there even quicker so they agreed I could drop the
price even further for a short while...
...so you can download this amazing information packed course in the next few minutes not for the usual £99 price tag, but for a mere £67.
Depending upon how
it affects sales, I may or may not continue the special price after Sunday February 16th so act today to ensure
you get your £32 discount!
But wait there's more...
... I am throwing in 7 exciting FREE bonuses worth £99...
Super Bonus #7
When you finish the course you can download the 7th mystery bonus as long as you give me some feedback about the course!
Your comments help me to continually improve the course so please tell me what you liked, didn't like, or if there is
anything else you would like to see added.
Every time I update the course you will get an email telling you where you can download the latest version --
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I am so confident that you will find
this e-course useful and that it will teach you so much to ensure you have
many productive hours of observing that I am prepared to offer you a FULL MONEY BACK GUARANTEE for 6 whole months!
Remember you still keep the 7 super bonuses even if you claim your refund! |
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Claim your copy of Basic Astronomy with a Telescope E-Course now along with your SEVEN free bonuses worth £99 for the special price of only £67.00. Don't forget that after this marketing test ends Sunday February 16th the price for the book and the bonuses could change back to £99, and you will have missed this opportunity for ever! My friends and family will probably be happier knowing that I have retained my sanity but your opportunity to get this valuable information at this fantastic price will have passed. |
Immediate delivery - To be sure you get your email please add the address ninianboyle at astronomyknowhow.com (substitute the word 'at' for the symbol) to your contact or friends list - if you are unsure how to do this then click here |
Please note: The e-course Basic Astronomy with a Telescope is presented on a password protected web site and the email you get will give you all the information you need to access it |